Fan Cleaner – Jainam

Name: Jainam
Grade: 7
Centre: Ghatkopar West
Place: Mumbai

Level in Eduprime robotics: 2

Project Details: “Take this mop and clean the fan, it’s too dirty.” said the mother. The son acknowledged the command, but was lazy to get up and clean it. Jainam looked around in his room thinking how he could finish the job assigned by his mother. Then the Metrix Junior kit lying in the room caught his attention. An idea struck, he took out his kit and the mop, combined them to make the Fan Cleaner.

The Cleaner had a remote to control its On/Off operation. He attached the motor and wheel to the mop and held it using the long handle. He continued lying down on the bed and pressed the switch. The cleaner started rotating around the blades of the fan. Eventually, he fulfilled 3 things from this one move. His mom’s job was done, he didn’t need to work around much and he ended up with a super amazing innovative product under his name. Well, a good example of ‘Necessity is mother of all inventions.’ 😉