Spin-O-Clean – Dharmil

Name: Dharmil Gathani
Grade: 9
Center: Mira Road
City: Mumbai

Level in Eduprime Robotics course: 1

Components used: DC Motor, Tact switch, 3V Battery

Project details: Amidst the corona virus pandemic, Dharmil has designed this wheel to help all to look forward to cleanliness. The concept and working is simple. It gives you the suggestions on what to do to regarding safety against corona virus. Simply press the switch, the arrow will start moving. As soon as the switch is released, the arrow will point to one of the suggestion.

You can check the list of suggestion. It informs you to clean your hands, maintain social distance, say no to handshakes, use sanitizers and many more things. Kudos to Dharmil for such an informative wheel.