Electronic toy Dog – Aangi
Name: Aangi
Grade: 4
Center: Ghatkopar
City: Mumbai
Level in Eduprime Robotics course: 1
Project: Electronic toy dog
Project details:
What happens when a 10 year old combines her creative skills with technical skills? The result is spellbound! We got an opportunity to see this above combination, when Aangi came up with this fascinating project. Only thing we understood that it was a dog (model), but didn’t know what she had done with it. A plastic bottle cut-out wrapped with brown cover with her Maker Breaker kit was used to create the model. And the black spots on the cover was icing on the cake; just to give a feel of a Dalmatian dog. But that was not it. This was a toy (according to her) and the dog’s body had a hidden switch inside it. The light comes out of the dog’s mouth only when someone finds and presses the hidden switch. A simple but compelling idea!
P.S: You can try pressing on all the black spots and maybe you might end up with the right position of switch 😉